I have this t-shirt that says exactly that: "Earth day is every day." And I love wearing it year-round. Of course, it's blue and green.
But it's not about rubbing my environmental agenda in people's faces. It's really just a reminder that we've been given this beautiful planet to cherish for as many days as we get to live here.
If you have kids, living sustainably on a daily basis sets them up to do the same for their future as well (especially once you are no longer making them live that way). Promoting your environmental legacy doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. And it might even draw you closer together in the process (by living with a purpose).
For starters, you could grow a garden in your front or backyard. If you don't have much land, start a vertical garden on your patio or balcony. Window boxes are great too! Another goal is to try using mostly sustainable cleaning products for tasks around your home--like when you're doing laundry, mopping, and washing the dishes.
You can also buy upcycled clothing and sports gear (which will save you money as well). Sites like depop and Poshmark (aka Posh) make this easier than ever.
Additionally, you could set up a scholarship fund or leave part or all of your trust to your favorite environmental organization. This could apply to efforts toward saving a certain animal that's going extinct or to helping a particular region of the world.
If you don't have children, you likely have pets. Think of how you can impact your friends at the dog park with eco-friendly doggie poop bags. And you could start feeding your furry friend sustainable dog food--like this one that uses crickets as their primary protein source.
Clearly, buying electric cars is super trendy right now, and there's nothing wrong with trading your old car in. But until then, try to shop locally, and consider biking to work when possible. Or you could find someone to carpool with!
That's it for now. Don't forget to visit our green products page. We've added some new resources for you and your family, including your furry friend(s).