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Let's go green together!

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​Please contact us if you'd like to be included on our website as a green resource. We are in search of guest bloggers as well.


Green Idea Labs: California

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WIne Turbines

meet our go-green influencers

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If you would like to be included as a guest blogger, please submit a pitch via email with just a few sentences about your main idea.

If your company sells sustainably sourced products with an emphasis on eco-friendly packaging, email us to be included on our green products page.


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Dianne is an author and has contributed to numerous publications over the past decade including Reader's Digest and Scholastic's parenting magazine and blog. She's passionate about microplastics, the dwindling honeybee population, and sustainable packaging. While her M.A. and doctoral studies are in linguistics and literature, her passion for the ocean, her family, and faith have served as a catalyst for influencing others to care for the environment. Her core strengths are in researching, writing, and connecting people with similar interests.

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A professional diver since 1994, Cristina is an active shark behaviorist, passionate underwater cave explorer, a champion for ocean conservation, underwater photographer, speaker and writer. Cristina’s work can be summarized in her three favorite words: Exploration, Education, Conservation. A member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame and The Explorers Club, she is a firm believer in the power of education and spends her time teaching below and above the water. In 2019 she founded the nonprofit People of the Water, organized to widen the conduction and distribution of training, education, research and studies related to water, ocean and environmental issues.

green idea labs: founder Dianne Bright

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©2024 green idea labs. Website maintained and blog posts written by Dianne Bright.

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